Tuesday, 23 January 2007

iPod index = iPhone index?

iPod prices around the world. Here is the CommSec iPod Index, based on January 2007 prices for 2GB iPod Nanos.

1 Brazil $327.71
2 India $222.27
3 Sweden $213.03
4 Denmark $208.25
5 Belgium $205.81
6 France $205.80

15 China $179.84
16 South Korea $176.17
17 Switzerland $175.59
18 New Zealand $172.53
19 Australia $172.36
20 Taiwan $164.88
21 Singapore $161.25
22 Mexico $154.46
23 United States $149.00
24 Japan $147.63
25 Hong Kong $147.35
26 Canada $144.20

Source: CommSec, Apple more

iPod Index
The iPod (currency) Index is an informal way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies.
PPP is based on the law of one price - an economic law stating that: "in an efficient market all identical goods must have only one price" - thus any difference in price must be due to currency exchange rates. If this is not the case, then the currency concerned must be over, or under valued.
The iPod Index differs from the Big Mac Index in that it uses ... more

The Big Mac index

Tokyo tops 'Big Mac' index

The iPhone:
- $499 4GB, $599 8GB in June + 2 years contract with Cingular = at&t.

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